The Official Launch of the Kube takes place on Tuesday 31st March in the Crowne Plaza at 7pm.All contestants who have signed up must be present on the night and have their entry fee with them if they havent already paid. Any contestant who hasn’t paid their entry fee before or on that night are in danger of losing their place as demand for places has been high and we have a number of contestants standing by.Tickets will also be on sale that night for the show itself and they are priced at €20 each.The contestants are being given first priority to purchase their tickets for family and friends as numbers are limited and we exoect demand to be high.We cannot guarantee tickets for any contestant after the launch as all tickets will be sold on a first come first served basis. The launch will give the contestants a opportunity to see how the game is structured and have a go at some of the games that will be used on the night.The local press and photographers will also be present.